This presentation (this "Presentation) is for general information only, it is not a prospectus or advertisement and does not constitute legal, tax or investment advice or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Any offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to purchase a limited partnership interest (an "Interest) in Banyan Ventures LP (the "Fund"), which is a venture capital fund sponsored by Banyan Ventures GP LLC ("Banyan") shall be made only through Banyan’s acceptance of formal offering documents (the "Offering Documents") which will include, among others, a limited partnership agreement and a subscription agreement. This presentation is qualified in its entirety by reference to the Offering Documents. The terms applicable to an investment in the Fund may change from the time you receive these materials and the time you receive the Fund's Offering Documents. Such Offering Documents will contain additional information not set forth herein that is material to any decision to invest in the Fund, including a discussion of certain risks and potential conflicts of interest associated with such an investment. Any indications of interest from prospective investors in response to the information provided in these materials involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.

These materials are intended only for the person to whom they have been delivered and may not be reproduced or distributed to any other person. The recipient acknowledges that this Presentation and related documentation constitute proprietary and confidential information and that Banyan has taken reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the contents of this Presentation. Each person who has received a copy of this Presentation (whether or not such person purchases an Interest) is deemed to have agreed (i) to return this Presentation to Banyan upon request if such person has not purchased an Interest, (i) not to disclose any information contained in this Presentation to any other person and (iii) to be responsible for any unauthorized disclosure of this Presentation, or the information contained herein, by such person or any of its directors, officers, managers, employees, members, partners, shareholders, affiliates, agents, or representatives.

No person has been authorized to give any information or make any representation other than as set forth in this Presentation and any representation or information provided but not set forth herein must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the Fund, Banyan or any of their respective directors, officers, managers, employees, members, partners, shareholders, affiliates, or agents. No securities commission or regulatory authority in the United States or in any other country has in any way approved, passed upon the merits of or endorsed an investment in the Fund or the accuracy or adequacy of the information or material contained herein or otherwise. This information is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, a prospectus, a public offering, or an offering memorandum as defined under applicable securities legislation. The information contained herein does not set forth all of the terms, conditions and risks of the Fund, including risks associated with Regulation D privately-offered investment products. Recipients are advised to consult with their own independent advisors, including tax advisors, regarding a potential investment in the Fund.

The Interests have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act") or the securities laws of any state or non-U.S. jurisdiction, and will be offered and sold in reliance on exemptions from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and such laws. The Interests are subject to restrictions on transferability and resale and may not be transferred or resold except as permitted under the Securities Act and applicable state or non-U.S. securities laws pursuant to registration or exemption therefrom. Investors should be aware that they will be required to bear the financial risks of investment in the Interests for an extended period of time. There will not be any public market for the Interests. Transfers of Interests are generally prohibited without the consent of Banyan, and certain Federal, state and non-U.S. securities laws also restrict transfers of Interests. The Fund will not be registered as an investment company under the U.S. Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.

Certain information contained herein is not purely historical in nature, but constitutes "forward-looking statements," which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may," "will," "should," "expect, "anticipate," "project, "estimate," "intend," "constitute," or "believe" or negatives thereof or other variations thereon or other comparable terminology.

These statements are based on certain assumptions. Due to various risks and uncertainties, actual events or results or actual performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such forward-looking statements, and there can be no assurance that unrealized investments used to calculate the return information set forth herein will ultimately be realized for their assumed values. As a result, investors should not rely on such forward-looking statements.

An investment in the Fund involves the risk of loss. An investment in the Fund is designed only for sophisticated investors who are able to sustain the loss of their investment. Accordingly, such investment is not suitable for all investors. The Fund is not subject to the same or similar regulatory requirements as mutual funds or other more regulated collective investment vehicles.

There is the possibility of loss and all investment involves risk including the loss of principal.

Investors should be prepared to lose all or substantially all of their investment. There is no assurance that the Fund will achieve its investment objective or that the strategies described herein will be successful. No representation is made as to what results the Fund will achieve or are likely to achieve based on past performance of the General Partner, Sam Awrabi.

The Fund will charge a management fee and a performance fee. The existence of a performance fee may give Banyan an incentive to invest in a more risky or speculative manner than would otherwise be the case. The performance information contained herein may represent performance during certain economic periods that were particularly favorable and represent performance during certain economic periods that were particularly favorable and may not repeat themselves. As a result of the foregoing and other differences, the returns of the Fund may vary materially from the performance presented. Past performance is not indicative of future results.


Returns presented above are calculated based on the gross returns when Sam started working with company until the last known valuation, SPVs, other fund vehicle, and the value itself may not be not net of fees and expenses including without limitation, income taxes, management fees, performance fees, and other Fund expenses, which may, in the aggregate, be substantial and will reduce the actual returns received by investors. This is my BEST ESTIMATE  of performance and I do not have access to current data to update these figures.

Past performance is not indicative of future performance. All investments in securities involve the risk of loss.